meetings per week
community members
open EVERY DAY of the year
what we do
Help those struggling with drugs, alcohol, and other addictions, by providing a safe, welcoming, accessible facility for recovery programs.
why it matters
Statistics from the Montana Department of Justice indicate that
1 in every 10 residents of Gallatin County is dependent on or is actively abusing alcohol or drugs.
• 90% of Montanans with Substance Use Disorder are not receiving treatment. (Montana DPHHS)
ADDICTION: An incurable disease that is progressively destructive and eventually fatal if left untreated.
(American Medical Association)
recovery is
a community effort
We are committed to providing the recovery space for people to face addictions, including substance abuse, relationship issues, and more. We welcome Twelve Step programs and various recovery groups to unite and celebrate the power of recovery. Our belief is that when you enhance community you strengthen recovery and can directly and indirectly reduce the cost of alcohol and drug addiction. Our commitment lies in aiding those on their recovery path by fostering empowerment and strengthening community ties, thus enabling successful recovery journeys.
Here are the local recovery communities that support each other in recovery at The Hall.

• AA - Alcoholics Anonymous
• NA - Narcotics Anonymous
• GA - Gamblers Anonymous
• SAA - Sex Addicts Anonymous
• Al-Anon - Families and friends of alcoholics
• ACOA - Adult Children of Alcoholics
• OA - Over Eaters Anonymous
• CoDA - Co-Dependents Anonymous
Reach Out
For Donations make checks payable to
Fellowship Hall, Inc.
2165 Durston Rd.
Bozeman, MT 59718